Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Pinterest & Smart TVs, who knew?!?

Homeschooling 2 kids can be difficult.  Then, you being a cool mom, you make Pinterest homeschool boards of all these things to learn and do and YOU NEVER INCORPORATE IT!  I have been that mom.  I just started incorporating Amazon Prime & Netflix into our homeschooling just the previous year.  Today, the lightbulb went off!    Jessica, PULL UP PINTEREST ON THE SMART TV !!!

I was able to go through several presidential pins/pages from my "History & Culture" board!  The kids thought it was pretty cool, too! 

Moms, this is a game changer! Its even simpler if your phone and TV are the same brand.  Kids don't want to sit at the table all day or look at a book.  When you can get comfy on the couch and click through your lessons/discussions and transition to videos within seconds; you can see they are actually learning!

I own 3+ smart TVs for more than 3+ years and I just connected the dots, TODAY!

Try this approach out and let me know how it works!

Monday, August 20, 2018

Life Changes

I can't believe that I have let a whole year and a half go by and not actually update this thing!  My life is so different now! 

Here are the things that I am doing differently: eating, teaching, relationships, I moved my mother in, and oh I am back in school!  I enrolled in a local tech school to work on my RN since they accepted all my previous credits. 

My PCOS is still being managed very well and I decided last May to have a partial hysterectomy.  I wasn't going to have another baby and I run a higher risk for endometrial cancer, so I got it out of there.

As my life changes, I am making a commitment to myself and my girls to be there and present.  I am trying the same for this blog.  There is so much that I want to share with the world and I hope to share and inspire just as I have been.

Peace & Love,
