Since it is almost 4am, I thought I would get a little bit festive with my font and swap it up.
It has been sooooooooooooooo long since I have been able to go to sleep at a normal time and wake up before noon. My husband wakes up between 5am & 6am and most mornings I am greeting him with a goofy grin and telling him to get up. These hormones have got to straighten out sometime. Damn PCOS!!! It seems as one symptom starts to go away another develops. I have been dealing with the sleepless nights for about 3 weeks now.
The earliest I wake up on my own is around 11am. Its a good thing that I rearranged the kitchen for the girls a month ago. They are at the age where they can fix basic food for themselves without my assistance. This was mainly aimed at my oldest who you would think was raised by a share cropper in the early 1900s and worked his kids in the fields. This child is on farm time! She would wake me up before 8am wanting me to feed her or do whatever. So now, everything that she needs is at her fingertips and she feeds herself. It has definitely been a blessing since all of this insomnia has arose.
Occupying my time late at night is a chore. Since I am self proclaimed "domestically challenged" I will not partake in any cleaning. I am normally talking to my 7 year old until 2/3ish who is the night owl and she will finally conk out around 3:15. Then, I will move to my bed if not there already and see whats on tv. I have recently gotten back in Law&Order:SVU & Criminal Intent. Its great when I can watch it all night. So, tonight I decided to work on the blog some. Here I am!
Ooooh! Funny story from my all night tv watching. We have Twilight Breaking dawn Part 1&2 on our dvr. So, I watched both a few nights ago. My husband woke up, looked at me and the tv and went back to sleep. About 45 minutes later, he started making these weird faces, moans and held his hand up like he was testifying in church. I busted out laughing so hard! it was so hilarious. My outburst scared him awake. Well, he then went back to sleep. he told me the next day that he had crazy dreams about vampires chasing after him all night. Love it!
Earlier I mentioned that when one symptom seems to lessen another will appear. The symptom that I am talking about is my weight/insulin sensitivity! Just the past week, I have noticed that my midsection is slimming. Today, I noticed that I have lost a back roll! YES, I LOST A FULL BACK ROLL!!! That is huge news and a victory for any woman. In a future post I will talk about the new supplement that I am on that I believe has helped with this.
In addition to the supplement that I take twice a day, I am drinking at least 2-5 cups of hot tea a day. Now, my cups of tea are huge and could be considered 2 cups in one. I drink a variety of teas and also mix my teas together at times for new flavors. I drink spearmint for testosterone, green tea for all its wonderfulness and dandelion root for detox. I have mixed all 3 of those together because dandelion by itself makes me gag. I also like the sleepytime teas at night with my girls.
Tea drinking is a tradition that I started with my yia yia and she started my girls on it a few years ago. It was so funny to hear a 4 year old ask for hot tea! Due to how I live my life and what I allow the girls to have, my yia yia has made a few adjustments to what mixes with their teas, but they all love it! We normally share a cup of tea when we first start our school work in the afternoons now.
It is now 4:05am and I hear my little one laughing at the Disney channel. She is normally out by now. Just called her in hear and she reported that her oldest is asleep. When I informed her that it was after 4, she did what looked to be a tribal dance and declared that it was almost 7.
Here is to eventually going to sleep!